4 Main Reasons Why Facebook Marketing is Worth it

Cactus Media - Digital Marketing
Why Your Business Needs Strategic Digital Marketing
December 27, 2018
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Cactus Media - Digital Marketing
Why Your Business Needs Strategic Digital Marketing
December 27, 2018
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May 14, 2019

Using social media to market your business is a great way to become approachable and interactive with potential and loyal customers. Having a Facebook page is great because it adds dimension to your brand and allows you to creatively schedule posts. However, platforms like Facebook are ever changing their algorithms that make it difficult for people to see your content.

As far as advertising goes, Facebook has PPC (Pay Per Click) analytics which works well because you are able to manage the number of impressions on your post. Which is great when you want to see how far your payment is getting you. Advertising through Facebook is extremely beneficial and here are some reasons why it might be right for your company- and help fight back against tricky algorithms.

1. Audience from everywhere

Facebook has approximately 1.74 billion users that tune in to their site daily from their mobile version. Having access to this audience is crucial when you are launching a new advertisement for your company. People are on their phones all the time, whether it be at work or on the daily commute or just lying in bed on a Sunday night, making sure that your business is available to a mobile audience is key and is well worth your while in investment dollars.

2. Detailed Analytics

Facebook will deliver accurate and up to date analytic information to you based on your ad performance. Helping you track and manage each post to make sure they are successful rather than having to wait for a period of time to find out it didn’t work. You can access this type of data from the “insights” tab. From this, you can even see how you are performing next to competitors- which is helpful because you can see what is creatively working or not working. Allowing your creative team to track the details of their campaign and adjust accordingly.

3. Facebook is continually adapting

Click through rates are always getting better and more accurate, thanks to the team behind Facebook advertising. They are always refining and improving the analytics in their marketing departments to make your marketing dollars more effective through their platform. This does wonders for the creative end of advertising since you can create brand awareness and strategy through finding out the exact audience you want to reach.

4. Specific Targeting

One of the most difficult things to pin down while you are marketing your business is finding your exact demographic and their location. Whether you have an online store or a brick and mortar one, it is extremely helpful to know how to pinpoint these potential clients. Facebook uses software that defines your audience based on their locations, demographics, behaviors as well as lookalike audiences- allowing you to adjust your ad during its release to reach more people.

Want to invest some money into your Facebook Advertising, contact us today to get a free consultation.

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